2 White Bridge Road, Pittstown, NJ 08867 office@scoschurch.org 908.735.4024

Mission Appeal Sunday June 27

Fr. Jose Manjakunnel, Mission coordinator for the archdiocese of Imphal, India, will be visiting our Parish for the weekend of June 26-27.

Please view this video here. (Read more…)

Reinstating the General Obligation to Attend Mass

Here is link to the Letter from Catholic Bishops of New Jersey.

In other words, the ‘Mass Pass’ has expired. And just like that, we can all gather again to worship our Lord at Mass and in church! No more TV Mass from your recliner…

As you would expect in dealing with government institutions and church edicts, there are a ‘litany’ of exceptions as delineated below.

This obligation to attend Sunday Mass in person does not apply to:

  1. those who are ill;
  2. those who have reason to believe that they were recently exposed to the coronavirus or another serious or contagious illness;
  3. those who are confined to their home, a hospital, or nursing facility; or
  4. those with serious underlying health conditions.
(Read more…)

Letter from Bishop Checchio

Attached is a link from Bishop Checchio encouraging the faithful of the Dioceses of Metuchen to take action against proposed legislation that seeks to overturn the Hyde Amendment which has prohibited, for 45 years, the use of taxpayer money in funding abortions.

Link to letter

Parishes and schools are asked to publish and distribute information that can be found in both English and Spanish at https://www.respectlife.org/no-taxpayer-abortion

The faithful may read more about the issues at hand and sign an online petition at https://www.notaxpayerabortion.com/.As you are well aware the Church and her values are under attack at this time in history and we must call upon our people to respond loudly.  In addition to signing the online petition, direct letter-writing campaigns to our Senators and Representatives are also encouraged.     (Read more…)

Bishop’s Easter Message

Here is a link to Bishop Checchio Easter message

https://diometuchen.org/2021-easter-message (Read more…)

A letter on racism from Bishop Checchio

Please see the attached letter from Bishop Checchio on the growing division, hate and racism, particularly against members of the Asian-American community.

The Letter (Read more…)