2 White Bridge Road, Pittstown, NJ 08867 office@scoschurch.org 908.735.4024

Month: January 2022

January 30, 2022 – 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time

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The Presentation of the Lord & St. Blaise

This weekend we will say goodbye to the month of January and hello to February, the shortest month on the calendar. That’s 1 winter month down, 2 to go! Though some will look for a forecast of the remainder of winter by observing a large burrowing rodent, for Catholic Christians February 2 marks something more important than “Groundhog Day.” It is the Feast of the Lord’s Presentation, commemorating the time when the infant Jesus was brought to the Temple in Jerusalem by Mary and Joseph 40 days after His birth. (Read more…)

Bishops Letter on Catholic Schools Week

Please read this letter from our Bishop Checchio (Read more…)

First Reconciliation

On Saturday, January 15th, sixteen children made their First Sacrament of Reconciliation. What a joy and privilege it was to see them at this Sacrament!

We also encouraged the whole family to come to church with the child and to go to the Sacrament of Reconciliation too. I’m pleased to say that I was able to hear the confession of some families that morning.  This was a great example, not only to the children in the family but indeed to other children and adults present in church – including myself. (Read more…)

January 23, 2022 – 3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time

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Respect Life Sunday

January 22, 2021 will mark the 49th anniversary of Roe V Wade, the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision that legalized abortion. 

I wonder how many of those children would have grown up to be doctors, priests, teachers … Could one of those children have been the scientist to cure Alzheimer’s disease, diabetes, or cancer? Blessed Mother Theresa of Calcutta said that: “Probably the scientist who would have cured AIDS was killed through abortion.”

What a tragic time we live in. (Read more…)