2 White Bridge Road, Pittstown, NJ 08867 office@scoschurch.org 908.735.4024

Month: September 2019


Jesus, Our Lord and Savior, is also our Teacher.  Throughout His public ministry, through His example, He taught us much about the need for prayer.  Jesus often prayed for others, including His Apostles.  Following the example of Jesus, Pope Francis has also focused on the need for prayer.  He has often spoken about the power of prayer.  Some of his comments about prayer made during his homilies and reflections have been summarized in the publication “Pope Francis Quotes About Prayer.”

They include the following:

1.  (Read more…)

September 29, 2019

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An old Monk once told me that the spiritual life is like an oil lamp.  The flame is prayer.  The oil that keeps the flame going is spiritual reading.  If the oil runs out, so does the flame.

Often, a priest is asked: “Father, why is my prayer life such a drought?  I feel like I’m just reciting empty words.  What am I doing wrong?”  The first questions I would ask are: “What do you feed your life of prayer?  (Read more…)

September 22, 2019

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September 15, 2019

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The Most Holy Name of Mary September 12, 2019

Mary!  A name so lofty, in the regal majesty of its sound and meaning – Mary, Maria, Miriam!  It is a name as familiar to us as the name of our Mother, as the bells of the church, as the peaks of the mountains which send their friendly greetings to the valleys below.  Mary!  A thousand times we have prayed, sung, wept this name, in good and evil days. Millions of women are called by that name and it weaves a golden thread around even the plainest woman.  (Read more…)