2 White Bridge Road, Pittstown, NJ 08867 office@scoschurch.org 908.735.4024

Welcome Back!

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ:

With the uncertainty, instability, and concerns of the world today, we are blessed with the assurance of our faith that Jesus Christ “is the same yesterday, today, and forever” (Heb. 13:8) and that he is “with [us] always, until the end of time” (Matt. 28:20). His abiding presence is made real to us in scripture, in the sacraments, and whenever “two or three gather in [His] name” (Matt. 18:20). As Catholics, we believe that we experience Christ’s real presence among us in a most privileged way when we gather together as the Body of Christ at Church.

The Body of Christ is alive and well in Pittstown, New Jersey!  Our clergy, staff, and ministries here at Saint Catherine of Siena have been working tirelessly to offer a safe and supportive environment as we welcome our parishioners back from the COVID-19 quarantines. To promote health and safety, we have implemented regular, deep cleaning of the church, we encourage social distancing and offer alternate pew seating on both sides of the sanctuary. We urge all to disinfect their hands upon arrival, we support the wearing of masks for all who wish, and your clergy and Eucharistic ministers disinfect and wear masks while distributing communion. 

To support the needs of our growing faith community, we are expanding and diversifying our ministries. We hired a youth minister and are developing a young adult group. We are revitalizing our altar server ministry and are recruiting lectors and Eucharistic ministers. We are reviewing our religious education program, launching a Book Club, and considering Bible Study programs. We are even considering building a parish center here on our property to support the growing enthusiasm and vitality of our ministries.

The Body of Christ at Saint Catherine’s functions best when all of us play our part, as God intended.
As Saint Paul tells us, we “are Christ’s body, and individually parts of it” (1 Cor. 12:27), so we invite all to active participation at Mass, in our ministries, and in our support groups. 

  • If you have not yet returned to Church, we miss you and are ready to welcome you home.
  • If you have concerns about returning or other issues with the Church that are preventing you from coming back, call or come talk with us so we can support you.
  • If you are homebound or experiencing illness, let us know so we can pray for you and bring the Eucharist to you, if you wish.
  • If you have come back to Church, consider a new ministry, and encourage your family members to do so, too.

Christ calls each of us to carry out His mission here on earth. Come join us at Saint Catherine’s as we strive to be Christ’s hands and feet in our families and our community.  These challenging times teach us more than anything that we need God, and we need each other. Know that our prayers are with you
and that your parish family at Saint Catherine of Siena is always here for you, striving to bring Christ to
all we serve.

Faithfully yours,

Father Chester Zalubski