This Sunday, October 2nd, we celebrate Respect Life Sunday. As Catholics, we are encouraged to promote the dignity of all human life from conception until natural death. We are called to promote the Gospel of Life, and protect and cherish the lives of the elderly, the physically and mentally challenged, and the unborn. We should never forget that God is the Creator of all life, and all life is precious in His sight.
Pope Francis strongly criticized a “throwaway culture” that places too little value on human life. (Read more…)
On Sunday, September 18th, we held our Annual Parish Picnic. It succeeded again in its primary goal of socializing with our faith community and was made possible by Debbie and Rich Fass, with the help of Lori Young and the Stewardship Committee.
Thank you to the Colalillo family and the Clinton ShopRite for their generous donation of hot dogs, hamburgers, rolls, and waters, and to Ken Mandoli and Tony Rocha for arranging the pickup.
Thank you to Carol Rocha for organizing our Silent Auction with the help of Sandra Kopka and everyone who donated to the auction. (Read more…)
September 18th
For many years now, the Church in the United States has designated the third weekend of September “Catechetical Sunday” to coincide with the beginning of the new School year.
Here is a timely quote from the national catechetical office of the US Catholic Bishops on religious education:
Catechesis is a distinct and special ministry in the Church. As the Catechism of the Catholic Church makes clear, “Catechesis is intimately bound up with the whole of the Church’s life . (Read more…)
This Sunday marks the 21st anniversary of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. We as a nation recall the tragic deaths and injuries that occurred at the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and on the fields of Somerset, Pennsylvania. We also remember the men and women in uniform who gave their lives or who were injured that day in the line of duty.
On this day, let’s pray that religion will be a means of peace and accord and not an excuse for violence and division. (Read more…)
Your excellency Bishop Paul, on this occasion of the 25th anniversary celebration of your ordination of Episcopacy, we all want to congratulate you and thank you for the wonderful service to the church that you have given these many years.
The work of the bishop in the church today is not always easy; they have many challenges to face and lots of expectations are placed upon them. But you have served the church in the Metuchen Diocese, and here in St. (Read more…)
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Praying the Rosary
Traditionally, October is the month when praying the rosary is emphasized. The Joyful, Sorrowful, Glorious, and Luminous mysteries of the rosary shed light upon the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus and the key role of Mary, His mother, in the story of salvation history.
The rosary is traditionally credited to St. Dominic (1170-1221 AD). According to legend, the Blessed Mother appeared to Dominic in a vision, handed him the rosary and asked him to spread the devotion. (Read more…)