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The Baptism of the Lord

Today’s Feast of the Baptism of the Lord brings to a close the Church’s Christmas Season. It is a day I would like to offer a few observations on our celebration of baptism. Do you know your baptismal date? The parish in which you were baptized? Your sponsor(s)? The priest or deacon who baptized you?

Pope Benedict has said that if we were to take fully in account the gift of baptism, “our lives would become a continual “thank you,” it is a gift, a joy, but also a responsibility. At times, however, what should be an occasion of great joy is often marred by some misunderstandings and perhaps even deep disappointment. This invariably surrounds the selection of godparents or sponsors for infants. Because of the importance the Church attaches to the role of sponsor, parents should take special care in selecting a sponsor. They should want to choose not only those who are most near and dear to them, but also those who will be the very best examples of living the Catholic faith. A godparent should be able to say to their godchild, “If you want to know what it means to be a good Catholic, look at my values, my decisions, my prayer, my life.”

Church Law (Canon Law) specifies the qualifications of those who assume the office of sponsor. If you need a copy of the qualifications, please call or email the office. How often problems develop when parents ask friends or relatives to be sponsors without any reference to qualifications. It happens then that not a few, so honored, accept the role happily only to discover later that they do not meet the Church’s qualifications.

Along with the selection of a sponsor, certainly the selection of a name is one of the most important decisions parents make. Their choice accompanies their child through life. In some families the choice may be obvious while in others, a choice is wide open and many possibilities are considered. The Church directs that parents are primarily entrusted with selecting a name for their child. Any name may be chosen provided it is not offensive to Christian belief. In choosing a baptismal name parents should keep in mind that the child will bear the name throughout life. Names now in vogue may seem burdensome to the bearer once the fashion changes. The parents should not overlook, or dismiss for the sake of novelty, the saints! Giving a child a heavenly advocate and Christian role model would be yet another lasting gift parents can bestow upon their child…and the saint’s feast—an occasion to celebrate!

Just a few observations to ponder on this great feast! May God Bless You!

Fr. Chester