2 White Bridge Road, Pittstown, NJ 08867 office@scoschurch.org 908.735.4024



Don’t miss out on all the fun!!  Our first gathering is this Friday, September 13th from 6-7:30 in Fellowship Hall.  It’s not too late to join.  Parents can sign kids up whenever they can attend.  Monthly meetings are held on the 2nd Friday of each month.

1st Meeting Taco Night
Spin the prize Wheel

Please bring a bible with you.  The Catholic Children’s Bible by St. Mary’s Press or the NIRV Adventure Bible for Early Readers (New Int’l Readers’ Version) is also easy to understand.  I am keeping it simple by teaching the kids how to find a bible passage.  We will try to read one at each of our meetings.

We will bring Jesus into our lives by building new friendships and extending kindness to our parish and community.  Games, movies and trips with parental chaperones will be an exciting part of our club.

 We will work on presenting a play during the Christmas season to the residents at the Country Arch Rehabilitation Center.  Date and time TBD

Look for signup forms in the display case at the exits of the church.

Debbie Fass/973-222-8100/info@stonebarnclassiccars.com