2 White Bridge Road, Pittstown, NJ 08867 office@scoschurch.org 908.735.4024

Respect Life Sunday

This Sunday, October 6th, we celebrate Respect Life Sunday. As Catholics, we are encouraged to promote the dignity of all human life from conception until natural death. We are called to promote the Gospel of Life, and protect and cherish the lives of the elderly, the physically and mentally challenged, and the unborn.  We should never forget that God is the Creator of all life, and all life is precious in His sight.

Pope Francis strongly criticized a “throwaway culture” that places too little value on human life. He said, “Unfortunately what is thrown away is not only food and disposable objects but often human beings themselves, who are discarded as unnecessary.” He stressed the need to respect the dignity of the most vulnerable and marginalized in society.

Our Pope has called on us to be voices for the voiceless, to speak for those who cannot speak for themselves. We are challenged to follow the example of our Pope, and commit ourselves publicly to the protection of all human life from conception until natural death, as we strive to enhance the moral integrity of our great nation.   

May God bless you and your families for all you do to embrace a culture of life.

Fr. Chester