2 White Bridge Road, Pittstown, NJ 08867 office@scoschurch.org 908.735.4024


An old Monk once told me that the spiritual life is like an oil lamp.  The flame is prayer.  The oil that keeps the flame going is spiritual reading.  If the oil runs out, so does the flame.

Often, a priest is asked: “Father, why is my prayer life such a drought?  I feel like I’m just reciting empty words.  What am I doing wrong?”  The first questions I would ask are: “What do you feed your life of prayer?  What oil do you put in your lamp? What are you reading?”

Unfortunately, too often, the answer is: “nothing!” and there lies the problem.  We need a constant and regular diet of good and healthy spiritual reading.  That means every day.  It feeds our prayer life, which should be a living relationship with Someone–Our God!  And if it’s a wild and crazy day when we may only have a few minutes, then take a few minutes and read a paragraph or two. Not being able to give God much can never be an excuse to give Him nothing!

So back to the question: “Father, why is my spiritual life such a drought?”  It could be that you are starved!  Or, if you are doing everything you should be doing, then it is a trial that will purify and deepen your faith.  Your part is to keep on going. May the Blessed Mother guide us in persevering!