2 White Bridge Road, Pittstown, NJ 08867 office@scoschurch.org 908.735.4024

Metuchen Diocese Palm Sunday and Easter Information

Please read the following information from Bishop Checchio pertaining to Holy Week celebrations. Please Click Here.

Supporting Our Parish

In light of the new restrictions on public gatherings and the Bishop’s guidance about mass attendance, many parishioners have been asking about how they can continue to financially support St. Catherine’s when they’re not attending mass.

As you know, even when we choose to refrain from live mass attendance, our parish still incurs its regular monthly expenses.

One easy way to continue your support is to sign up for Online Giving and have your donation that you normally put in the collection envelope automatically paid to the church.  In a secure online environment, you can have a direct deposit sent from your bank account directly to the church at no cost.  You can set up an automatic weekly amount or decide on a one time donation.

Please click on the link below to enroll.  If you have any questions, call or text Katharine Lawrence at 908-892-1526.

God bless you and thank you for your continued support!

“As each one has received a gift, use it to serve one another as good stewards of God’s varied grace.”—1 Peter 4:10

Click link below to sign up for on line giving.

Online Giving

Latest Update for 3/23/2020

The church office will be closed during the week.  Fr. Chester will be available for emergencies only and can be contacted at 908-735-4024.

As many of you realize, we are dealing with a fluid and unpredictable environment where every day we tread on new ground.  Although our prayer life at home is vital to our faith, many parishioners have asked if there will be the opportunity to visit the church to pray.

We are pleased to announce that, with certain restrictions, the church will be open as follows:

–        Saturdays from 4-5 PM

–        Sundays from 8-11:30 AM

As per the CDC and state guidelines, a maximum of 10 people will be allowed in the church at one time and please position yourself at least 6 feet away from others.  PLEASE refrain from visiting church if you have been exposed to COVID-19 or have any symptoms that may lead you to believe you might be infected.

We thank you for continued flexibility and understanding during these trying times.  May God continue to bless and guide us.

Don’t you know that you yourselves are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit dwells in your midst?

1 Corinthians 3:16

Latest Directives from Diocese of Metuchen

Directives issued by Bishop Checchio in Response to the coronavirus pandemic

Temporary Suspension of Public Masses

All public Masses throughout the Diocese of Metuchen will be temporarily suspended beginning no later than March 18 and resume no earlier than April 3, 2020, when the situation will be re-evaluated as circumstances unfold.  Despite the suspension of public Masses, a private Mass will be celebrated daily at 7am in the Cathedral of Saint Francis of Assisi and can be viewed at that time on their website: www.stfranciscathedral.org.  

The Sacrament of Penance should remain available according to need, but public Penance Services are not to be conducted.  

The Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick should remain available for true emergencies. 

St. Catherine’s Procedures:

Father Chester will hold a private Mass for those Mass Intentions that have already been offered until our regular Masses resume.  If you have a Mass scheduled and would like to attend that Mass, please phone the Parish Office as the time of the Mass may change.  We ask that only those who have a Mass intention scheduled should attend the Mass.

Remaining Way of the Cross has been cancelled.

All Religious Education Classes have been cancelled.

St. Catherine’s Parish Office will remain open with limited office hours.  If no one is at the office, the phone will automatically be transferred to the Rectory, where Father Chester can be reached.

St. Catherine’s Church will be opened during the day from 9am-2:30pm through the lower level entrance (near the Parish Office) should anyone wish to come in to pray.

As the situation evolves, more resources and updates, as well as the Bishop’s entire letter, will be posted on our diocesan website:  diometuchen.org/coronavirus.

Crossroads – Lenten Retreat

Cancelled Due to the Corona Virus

Sunday, March 15

St. Catherine of Siena Church

12:00 – 12:30 Refreshments

12:30 – 2:00 Retreat

Join us for a day of prayer and reflection with Nicholas Petrillo as we journey through Lent and accompany Christ along the via dolorosa. We will reflect on the Stations and the individuals our Savior encountered as He traveled to the Cross.

Bring your family, friends and neighbors!

Bishop’s Annual Appeal

“Stepping Forward in Faith: Grace in Action”

$1.7 million dollars of the funds raised by the 2020 Bishop’s Annual Appeal is earmarked for Catholic Charities, Diocese of Metuchen.

Through more than 100 programs, Catholic Charities serves those most in need
of our assistance. If you have yet to make your pledge to this year’s Bishop’s Annual Appeal, you will have the opportunity to do so the weekend, March 21/22, which has been designated as Bishop’s Annual Appeal InPew Weekend.

Help us reach our target of 100% participation. Every gift, no matter the size, is important and greatly appreciated.

2020 Bishop’s Annual Appeal – English from Diocese of Metuchen on Vimeo.