2 White Bridge Road, Pittstown, NJ 08867 office@scoschurch.org 908.735.4024

Diocesan Online Survey Regarding Father Chester’s Second Term at St. Catherine of Siena Parish

Father Chester’s first six-year term at St. Catherine’s is coming to an end. Bishop Checchio will be deciding whether or not to extend Father’s time with our parish and he’s looking for input from us—the parishioners of St. Catherine’s.

Providing your feedback is easy. Simply click on the link below to fill out a short survey and share your thoughts. Father has told the Bishop he would like to stay. If you agree, please share your thoughts by participating.

Under Father Chester’s leadership, our parish has remained vital and thriving. He has been selfless and tireless in serving the spiritual needs of our parish community, and has led us to the successful expansion of our church building.

It’s time to speak out. Please read the attached letter from the diocese and prayerfully consider your response. You can make your thoughts known by completing the online survey (preferred) or by completing a printed survey form available in the parish center. However you decide to respond, your reply is critical in determining the next six years of our parish.

Link: Survey Form

Please act promptly, The due date for responses is April 10th!

Thank you for reflecting on the future of St. Catherine’s.