2 White Bridge Road, Pittstown, NJ 08867 office@scoschurch.org 908.735.4024

Fr. Chester will be hearing confession THIS Saturday(5/23) from 4-5 PM!

I have a confession to make…

You’re in luck!  Fr. Chester will be hearing confession

THIS Saturday (5/23) from 4-5 PM!

As always, strict rules apply:
1.     ONLY 10 people will be allowed in the church at one time.  Someone will be at the front door to maintain this occupancy limit.  You MUST be wearing a mask to enter the church.

2.     Please sit at least 6 feet apart in the church while waiting.

3.     Confession will be administered in the sacristy where a 6 foot distance will be maintained.

4.     After confession, please leave the church immediately and perform your penance in the privacy of your car or home.

Please be patient.  After weeks of homeschooling, working from home, and being in close proximity to your spouse, people will have a significant amount of sins to confess!

The elderly who are more susceptible to COVID-19 and those who are sick should NOT participate in this penance event in order to prevent any possibility of contracting or spreading the virus.