2 White Bridge Road, Pittstown, NJ 08867 office@scoschurch.org 908.735.4024

First Sunday of Lent

On Ash Wednesday we started the Season of Lent with the imposition of ashes on our foreheads. The ashes were imprinted on our foreheads with a sign of the Cross. It is meant to remind us of our identity and relationship with God. First, it means we belong to God. We are his children. Second, as his children, we have the responsibility to make Jesus presence felt and experienced in this world. Third, given the identity and relationship that we have with God, as His children, we are constantly called to holiness of life.

Thus, these 40 days of Lent are an opportunity given to us for turning back to God, for conversion. Through the help of the traditional Lenten disciplines of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving, hopefully, we will come to acknowledge the ways we have turned away from God in our lives and we will focus on turning our hearts and minds back toward Him.

This Lent, may I suggest the following:

Prayer. I invite families to worship and pray together especially by attending Sunday Eucharist.

Fasting. I encourage families to gather for a simple meal at least once a week. Within the simplicity of a meal, a family should be able to save some costs; the very nature of a simple meal is already a manifestation of your solidarity with any poor person or family.

Almsgiving. If you so desire, your simple meal can be translated as an act of almsgiving or charity. Whatever you save from having a simple meal can be shared with anyone who is experiencing hunger for food. It could be in our own parish community, the Town, or anywhere in the world where you think there are poor in need of your generosity who will receive and appreciate it.

Let us strive to live a holy life as we journey throughout this Season of Lent so we can reach Easter with hearts and minds renewed in the Lord!