Dear Parishioners,
The Christmas Gospel speaks to us of a family, rejoicing at a child’s birth, their lives uniquely affected by God’s presence in their midst, responding with faith and trust to their special role in the history of salvation.
The example of the Holy Family inspires us as we celebrate Christmas. As they rejoice at Jesus’ birth, so too do we, remembering the new divine life made possible by Jesus’ life on earth.
I want to encourage you, in as sincere a way as I can, to remember to keep Christ “first” in all you do and say while you are going through your Christmas activities. By keeping Christ first, we can be sure to reach out to those around us (yes, even those who are rude) with the true message of Christmas, and that is, that Jesus Christ came to earth to seek and to save that which was lost. (Read more…)
Many of you took “Oplatki” or “Christmas Wafers.” Sharing the Oplatki on Christmas Eve Dinner is a millennia old tradition that began in Poland, Slovakia, and Lithuania.
At the Christmas Eve Meal one of the wafers or, a part of one, are placed on each person’s plate. Before the meal, a prayer is said and then beginning with the father and mother of the house, a Sign of Peace is exchanged in the same manner and the wish of a Happy Christmas. (Read more…)
On Monday, December 12th, we will celebrate the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe. She is the patroness of the United States, Mexico, and all of the Americas, as well as the protector of the unborn. She is a religious as well as a cultural figure to the people of Mexico. In 1531, she appeared in a vision to a humble peasant farmer named Juan Diego near Mexico City. The appearance of Our Lady of Guadalupe helped generate the conversion of Mexico and Latin America to Catholicism. (Read more…)
This week, on Thursday, December 8, we celebrate the Feast of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Not only is this a great feast of our Lady in its own right, but it is under the title of her Immaculate Conception that the United States is dedicated to our Lady as our patroness – it is our national feast day.
Here are 7 things you need to know about the teaching and the way we celebrate it. (Read more…)
As we know, a new Church Year has commenced as we have entered the season of Advent. Integral to the season of Advent is the Advent Wreath which has a long Catholic tradition. The Wreath is displayed prominently in front, on the left side of the Sanctuary. It typically has four candles that are lit progressively during the Sundays of Advent. The first candle is the Prophecy Candle or the Candle of Hope. It reminds us that we can have hope because God is faithful and will keep the promises made to us. The second Candle is the Bethlehem Candle or the Candle of Preparation. We remember the words of the Prophet Isaiah who said, “Prepare the way of the Lord, make straight paths for him.” The third candle is the Shepherd Candle or the Candle of Joy. We reflect on how we joyfully anticipate the coming of the Christ Child. The fourth candle is the Angel Candle or the Candle of Love. We reflect on how the angels announce the coming of the Savior, sent by God because He loves us. (Read more…)
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Solemnity of Mary
Today, January 1st, we celebrate the Solemnity of Mary, the Holy Mother of God. This feast answers the question, “Why do Catholics honor Mary?” Non-Christians sometimes believe that we Catholics worship Mary as a goddess who gave birth to our God. They argue that there is no Biblical basis for honoring Mary and that Catholics worship her and make her equal to God. They fail to understand why we honor Mary. They do not understand what we mean by calling her the Mother of God. (Read more…)