2 White Bridge Road, Pittstown, NJ 08867 office@scoschurch.org 908.735.4024

A Very Special Thank You!

St. Catherine’s, Knights of Columbus officers want to
express our heart-felt appreciation to all those
parishioners, family members and friends who made our
Valentine’s Day raffle a tremendous success. You may not
be aware that your local Knights council provides monetary
support to the Parish by awarding scholarships, supporting
Diocesan Seminarians, contributing to the annual Pro-Life
March in Washington, and contributing to Parish campaign
and maintenance projects.
Due to social distancing requirements, we have been
unable to prepare our “delicious” annual fund-raising
dinners. Your generosity will allow us to continue our
Charity. Again, congratulations to the three St Valentine’s
Day 50/50 raffle winners who split $3,750 in prize money
Thank you all from the Knights of Columbus raffle

Mike Iannozzi Grand Knight
Dan Dawson Deputy Grand Knight
Sebastian Donaruma – Warden