Our Annual Parish Fall Picnic will be on Sunday, September 30th at The Parish Center. Everyone is invited to come out in the spirit of oneness to share good food, fun and fellowship. Join us for food; music; games; desserts; 50/50; prizes; temporary tattoos; fellowship and MORE!
The Parish Picnic is a great opportunity to work together as a parish community and to enjoy each other’s company.
Great News! On Tuesday, July 10th, we welcome back to Saint Catherine’s Parish, Father Chester Lenczuk. Fr. Chester comes to us from Rome, where he is teaching as well as studying for his Doctorate at the Salesian Pontifical University. Father Lenczuk was ordained the same year as our Father Chester in Zambia, where he worked for over 20 years. He loves music, plays the piano and enjoys singing. Please be sure to say hello and welcome Father Chester back to our parish when you see him at Mass. He speaks English, Polish and Italian.
Other news! From July 13th to August 10th, I will be taking as vacation time, travelling back to my homeland. I will see you when I return in August. God Bless you and I will keep you in my prayers.
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Our Annual Parish Fall Picnic will be on Sunday, September 30th at The Parish Center. Everyone is invited to come out in the spirit of oneness to share good food, fun and fellowship. Join us for food; music; games; desserts; 50/50; prizes; temporary tattoos; fellowship and MORE!
The Parish Picnic is a great opportunity to work together as a parish community and to enjoy each other’s company.
Great News! On Tuesday, July 10th, we welcome back to Saint Catherine’s Parish, Father Chester Lenczuk. Fr. Chester comes to us from Rome, where he is teaching as well as studying for his Doctorate at the Salesian Pontifical University. Father Lenczuk was ordained the same year as our Father Chester in Zambia, where he worked for over 20 years. He loves music, plays the piano and enjoys singing. Please be sure to say hello and welcome Father Chester back to our parish when you see him at Mass. He speaks English, Polish and Italian.
Other news! From July 13th to August 10th, I will be taking as vacation time, travelling back to my homeland. I will see you when I return in August. God Bless you and I will keep you in my prayers.
Category: Father's Message
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