Church Environment Ministries and Groups

"Do not neglect hospitality, for through it some have unknowingly entertained the angels."
--Hebrews 13:2

Our community relys on the skills and talents of our memembers to keep our properties maintained and to offer hospitality.


Members of this group ensure that proper audio and visual capabilities are available at Mass, in the church undercroft, during Camp St Catherine and other liturgical celebrations at off-site venues. Volunteers must have a good working knowledge of how to set up, break down and operate a broad range of audio/visual equipment.

Building Maintenance

Share your gifts and talents as electricians, plumbers, engineers, architects, painters and masons. r you skills, you are welcome to lend a hand to this ministry as the need or special projects arise at both St. Catherine's church and the parish center.


The decorating committee plans and decorates both the church and parish center for Christmas, Easter, sacramental ceremonies and other liturgical celebrations.

Landscaping Committee

The Landscape Committee maintains the "knot garden" outside the entrance to St. Catherine's church undercroft and smaller plantings by the main entrances to the church as well as the landscaping at the parish center.

Sanctuary Guild

The Sanctuary Guild is responsible for the weekly cleaning of the church, its undercroft and the parish center. They help keep seasonal decorations looking their best as well as ironing, sewing and polishing materials when needed.

St. Catherine of Siena Roman Catholic Church | 2 Whitebridge Rd., Pittstown, NJ 08867 | phone: 908-735-4024 | All rights reserved. Please read our privacy policy.