World Marriage Sunday Photo Contest Winners Announced

To recognize World Marriage Sunday, the weekend of Feb. 8-9, Father Chester led couples at all Masses in a renewal of their wedding vows. Several couples' wedding photos were on display at the church and Parish Center. After all Masses, parishioners were invited to compete in a game of "Who Is That Gorgeous Couple?"

Contestants' guesses have been tabulated, and with not one or two, but five winners. Debbie Jamicky was the winner from the 8 a.m. Mass with only one incorrect answer; she received a framed marriage prayer. At the Parish Center, four winners -- Glen Farbanish, Patti Letko, Jen Peterson, and Lisa Sforza -- all wound up with perfect scores Their prizes ranged from champagne to a marriage-themed message board.

Weddings spanned decades, ranging from 1953 through 2002. All couples who loaned a photo received a laminated wedding prayer to help grace them with many more happy years of wedded bliss.

St. Catherine of Siena Roman Catholic Church | 2 Whitebridge Rd., Pittstown, NJ 08867 | phone: 908-735-4024 | All rights reserved. Please read our privacy policy.